A big thanks to all who attended at our sessions that Tim De Keukelaere and myself presented. Below are the links to the blog posts we have made earlier and we referenced during the session! Hope to see you all again next year!
All blog posts where written when we encountered challenges or when we wanted to spread information. Some can be outdated, like the ADFS 2.1 blogs , but there isn’t much changed. I’ll start updating them as soon as I find time for it
Find them here :
Conquering BYOD with Implementing ConfigMgr 2012 R2 and Windows Intune,“ADFS”, “WAP”, “Workplace Join” and “Work Folders”. Part I at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/01/09/conquering-byod-with-implementing-configmgr-2012-r2-and-windows-intuneadfs-wap-workplace-join-and-work-folders-part-i/
Prepare to Install ADFS 2.1 Services to have SingleSignOn (SSO) in Windows Intune (WaveD) – Part 1 at http://scug.be/sccm/2013/07/04/prepare-to-install-adfs-2-1-services-to-have-singlesignon-sso-in-windows-intune-waved/
Prepare to Install ADFS 2.1 Services to have SingleSignOn (SSO) in Windows Intune (WaveD) – Part 2 at http://scug.be/sccm/2013/07/08/prepare-to-install-adfs-2-1-services-to-have-singlesignon-sso-in-windows-intune-waved-part-2/
ADFS & Workplace Join & Intune : "Profile Installation Failed" error when iOS device is Workplace Joined by using DRS on a Windows Server 2012 R2-based server at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/08/21/adfs-workplace-join-intune-profile-installation-failed-error-when-ios-device-is-workplace-joined-by-using-drs-on-a-windows-server-2012-r2-based-server/
ADFS 2.1 in combo with windows Intune stops working with ‘Error: 15404, State: 19. Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user ‘Domain\ADFS_srvc’, error code 0×5 at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/01/22/adfs-2-1-in-combo-with-windows-intune-stops-working-with-error-15404-state-19-could-not-obtain-information-about-windows-nt-groupuser-domainadfs_srvc-error-code-0×5/
ADFS 3.0 on Windows 2012 R2: adfssrv hangs in starting mode and makes you’re domain controller unusable after reboot at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/01/15/adfs-3-0-on-windows-2012-r2-adfssrv-hangs-in-starting-mode-and-makes-youre-domain-controller-unusable-after-reboot/
Windows Intune & ConfigMgr 2012 : Notes from the field around Compliance Settings and enrollment at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/06/08/windows-intune-configmgr-2012-notes-from-the-field-around-compliance-settings-and-enrollment/
“Workplace Join” with ADFS 3.0 Device Registration Services and our ‘Workplace Join Hitman’ PowerShell App to the rescue ! at http://scug.be/sccm/2014/05/20/workplace-join-with-adfs-3-0-device-registration-services-and-our-workplace-join-hitman-powershell-app-to-the-rescue/
Configmgr 2012 & Windows Intune SSO : Self- signed certificate for token signing is about to expire. Now What? At http://scug.be/sccm/2014/04/23/configmgr-2012-windows-intune-sso-self-signed-certificate-for-token-signing-is-about-to-expire-now-what/
Windows Phone 8 not enrolling with the “Support Tool for Windows Intune Trial Management of Window Phone 8” at http://scug.be/sccm/2013/07/19/windows-phone-8-not-enrolling-with-the-support-tool-for-windows-intune-trial-management-of-window-phone-8/
Windows Intune & Dirsync : Error message “stopped-server-down” (FIM Synchronization Service Manager) at http://scug.be/sccm/2013/07/18/windows-intune-dirsync-error-message-stopped-server-down-fim-synchronization-service-manager/
Hope it Helps ,
Kenny Buntinx
Enterprise Client Management MVP